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Wyndham's Theatre

A Delfont Mackintosh Theatre

Booking Until

Inside No. 9 Stage/Fright

Welcome to a world of intrigue, as we invite you to step Inside Number 9 for a theatrical experience like no other.

Inside No. 9 Stage/Fright show artwork

Expect the unexpected as the acclaimed BBC TV series comes to life on stage, weaving its signature web of twisted tales and black humour. From the eerie to the absurd, Inside Number 9 - Stage/Fright combines comedy and horror with a dramatic script that will leave you guessing until the very end.

Familiar characters and stories will mix with brand new material by the genius of creators Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith, who will also perform in the production, as they bring their unique brand of storytelling to the West End for a strictly limited season.

This show is now sold out.

for any returns

Inside No. 9 Stage/FrightAccess Performance Dates

  • Captioned Performance

  • Audio Described Performance

    Touch Tour: 12:30pm

For further information or to discuss your visit to Wyndham's Theatre and check availability, please use the options below:

Call our Access department on +44(0) 344 4825 137 or

Inside No. 9 Stage/FrightHospitality

Champagne Package

Call Hospitality on: +44(0)207 7662 112

VIP Package

Call Hospitality on: +44(0)207 7662 112

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